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Ashley Kilmartin


February 25, 2025

The Heaviest Lift Is Opening the Door

The choice of going to the gym happens before actually going to the gym. There's an idea created that "I want to get in-shape" and all the gun-ho motivation to take action. But, once you make it to the gym parking lot, there is panic: is this really what I need, I have a million other things to do, it's been an exhausting day already, do I really want to work this hard.

But, somehow, you convince yourself to "stick with the plan" and make your way to the door. Again, another panic moment of second guessing and self-doubt: I don't know what I'm doing, I'll never be as fit as them, everyone will be watching me. That moment when you stare at the gym door, debating whether to go in... that’s the real test of strength.

I'm here to tell you that the hardest part is turning that door knob. Because once you enter, all of these lies will start to dissipate. You'll be greeted with a smile and receive second hand endorphins from everyone thriving from a great workout, high-fiving, and sharing phrases like, "You're doing great" or "You crushed it!"

Staying in your own bubble of comfort outside that door can become isolating. When it comes to "getting in-shape" and making healthy choices, the environment you put yourself into can be the difference of whether you stick to it or not. If you want to see a change, take a chance! Take a chance on yourself and a community that will lift you up!

Are you ready to turn the door knob today?

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