The second Friday in January is known as National Quitter's Day. That timing seems too close, doesn't it? It feels like New Year's Day was just yesterday. How can this day be declared Quitter's Day already?!
This has my brain thinking. Do we really give up that soon, in general, on goals that we set for ourselves? Or are we just prone to creating unrealistic expectations with our New Year's Resolutions because of the societal hype?
Being a person who loves and believes in setting goals, I really hope that it is the second one! I'll start with this, if you have the ambition to make a change in your life for the better, you should receive the world's biggest applause! Because even the thought of changing is important. It takes a lot to allow yourself the mental shift because change is scary, it's going to be hard work, it's going to require some patience and the anticipation of failure. You also have to be willing to pivot from the original plan and most importantly, have grace with yourself in the process. Can we agree that that is a lot of mental work before even getting to the actual work, work??
So, the big question is, is your name on the Quitter's List? If it is or maybe you feel yourself trending that way, the good news is, you are one choice away from erasing your name from that list!!! Here are some helpful steps:
1.) Keep yourself going - right here, right now!
2.) Give yourself one more week to give the routine a fighting chance.
3.) Schedule a chat with a coach to evaluate your goals to make sure they are realistic for you.
We can use the hype of New Year's Resolution to get our bum in motion but don't let it push you to limits that are not obtainable, yet! The timeline and action items have to work with you, not against you. This will make the likelihood of success sticking around for longterm.
Remember over these next couple days when things get tough, that this change will be soooo worth it! Because you are worth it!! Ask yourself, how much of your full potential is going to be demonstrated this year???