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Ashley Kilmartin


January 28, 2022

Athlete Stories | Beau Anderson

What brought you to Precision Movement?

I was looking for something new. Something different. I was going to a "big chain" gym in Springfield and wasnt really getting results I wanted, and getting frustrated with the same ol' routine. I'd find a workout online. Follow that 4-6 week plan. See small results or no results, find another workout plan, rinse and repeat. It was difficult to stay motivated. I talked to a friend of mine who was a current member and suggested I give the onboarding sessions a try.

My first impression was that Crossfit was something I would never be able to do. That I would look ridiculous trying and I had no idea what I would be getting myself into! That has completely changed! I absolutely love the challenge that the daily wods bring! It was exactly what I was looking for! Something different each day! Not just lifting weights but the focus on technique and movement and trying to perfect that is what continues to drive me!

What was your first “bright spot”?

It is hard to choose just one, but I have two that I am most proud of! My first bright spot was sitting in my yearly health checkup and seeing everything check out 'normal'. After being diagnosed with thyroid disease in 2014, my health, my life was pretty up and down. I was miserable both mentally and physically. The weight gain from my thyroid diagnosis along with the high blood pressure, hypertension all of it took a toll. Being told you were close to having a stroke at 35 can really open your eyes. After being consistent with workouts for a year and being told that none of my medications needed to be adjusted and that my blood pressure was at a normal level was one of the best feelings I have felt in a long time. The ups and downs of all the different medications, dr visits, blood work, lab work etc. over a 3 year period, it was like having the world taken off my shoulders!

My second bright spot was losing and keeping off about 30 lbs. I have always had issues with weight fluctuation ever since I can remember. I would work out, lose weight, continue to work out but gain weight back. It was an up and down battle. The thyroid diagnosis made it much harder to keep weight off. Being able to say that I have kept off 30lbs for over a year is just an amazing feeling! Being able to say I feel the best I have ever felt at 40 is an amazing feat!

Now, I am focused on working on form and technique more and more. I am also not quite where I would like to be weight wise, but that just keeps me moving forward!!

What’s your favorite Precision Movement memory?

My favorite Precision memory was when I participated AND completed my very first Murph. There were several times where mentally I didnt think I was going to be able to finish it. The support from EVERYONE at Precision is something I have never experienced. Everyone pushes you to give it your all. Not to give up and to keep going. I ended up completing Murph and was the last one to finish. A couple members (Jason R. & Aaron F.)  ran the last mile with me, even though they were already done, and when turning the corner coming back to the gym seeing everyone cheering me on to finish is something I will never forget! Surround yourself with people that lift, motivate and inspire you and you can do anything!

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